Micro-grid is divided into two forms, that is, networked micro-grid and independent micro-grid. Grid-connected microgrid has two modes of operation: grid-connected and independent. In grid-connected mode of operation, it generally runs in grid connection with medium and low volta.......

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new flow battery that does not rely on expensive membranes to generate and store electricity. They say that the equipment will one day be ch.......
The finetechjapan display exhibition hosted by reedexhibitionsjapan is being held in Tokyo, and the next generation lighting technology exhibition lightingjapan (with the title of the first led/oledlightingtechnologyexpo) is held together, attracting more than 1 The audience of 000 people .......

Organic matter in the soil includes available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, organic matter content, soil pH, and soil salinity, which play a decisive role in soil properties. These are sometimes called For .......
1 Introduction Gear transmission is the most commonly used transmission method in machinery. The design of gear transmission is also one of the most contacted design contents in mechanical design.
This paper introduces a software system that uses VisualBasic language to program and ca.......

In 2011-2012, Guangdong Province has organized and implemented two batches of strategic emerging industry core technology research projects, the provincial finance invested a total of 1 billion yuan, with a focus on supporting 140 projects. On this basis, in 2013, Guangdong Province contin.......