Igus realizes online calculation of 3D printed sliding bearing service life

Igus realizes online calculation of 3D printed sliding bearing service life

Lubrication-free and maintenance-free plain bearings made from optimized engineering plastic 3D printing offer a great deal of freedom in engineering and also maintain the wear resistance of the components at a high level. To achieve this goal, igus is developing new 3D printing materials for sports applications. With extensive extensive product performance testing in the industry's largest test labs, igus is able to provide users with online tools to predict the life of engineering plastic bearings.

In order for the bearing to operate safely and reliably in sports applications, it is highly advantageous to master the service life of the bearing system. That's why mobile plastics expert igus offers online tools: they accurately calculate the lifetime of igus products based on the research and test results of the industry's largest test labs. In the test laboratory, all iglidur plastics and other products undergo rigorous wear and friction testing. 10,000 tests per year provide a robust and reliable database for online life calculators. With just four steps, the “iglidur expert” will provide you with a comprehensive applicability and service life analysis of all lubrication-free and maintenance-free iglidur materials online, depending on your needs. Accurate life calculations are not limited to injection molded iglidur plain bearings, but are also suitable for 3D printed bearings.

Igus realizes online calculation of 3D printed sliding bearing service life

Through the "iglidur expert", the service life of 3D printed wear-resistant plastic parts can be accurately calculated online.

High abrasion resistant 3D printed wire and friction optimized SLS sintered powder

Since the launch of the first iglidur friction-optimized 3D printed wire at the Hannover Messe in 2014, igus has continued to develop and expand its product range at its Cologne headquarters. Now, igus has introduced six high-abrasion 3D printed wires for FDM processing and two engineering plastic materials for selective laser sintering processes. These wear-resistant printing materials can be quickly fabricated for use. Components such as plain bearings for industrial applications. With igus' 3D printing service, from configuration to ordering, you can produce the required prototypes and special parts for small batch production in three easy steps, making the process easy, fast and low cost. More economical 3D printed materials, lower energy consumption, and a fast custom manufacturing process greatly reduce your initial R&D costs. And these parts made of 3D printed materials have been extensively tested in the igus internal test lab, so they are as accurate as the injection molded parts. The life of 3D printed parts made from I3 and I180 materials has also been included in the “iglidur expert” (), and all of the above high-performance 3D printing materials can be implemented from May 2018. Online life calculation. (This article is from igus)

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