May 21 Qingdao Steel Market Price Quotes

Product Name Specification Material Steel Factory/Origin Price (Yuan/Ton) Yesterday Last Week Compared to Last Month General Line Φ6.5/8mm Q235 Qinggang 5870 0 -50 520 High Line Φ10mm Q235 Handan Steel 5900 0 -50 500 Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Steel 5710 0 0 510 Thread steel Φ14mm HRB335 .......

China's auto parts development trend in 2017

The gradual realization of domestic domestic auto parts industry is a definitive trend in the entire industry. At the same time, the potential for outbreaks of demand in the mid-term, such as TPMS, exhaust gas treatment, and automatic transmission, can be prope.......