Analysis of Factors Affecting Freezing Damage of Beet Seedlings by Intelligent Artificial Climate Chamber

Analysis of Factors Affecting Freezing Damage of Beet Seedlings by Intelligent Artificial Climate Chamber

As soon as the sugar beet seedlings were unearthed, a controlled study was conducted on the prevention methods of frost that caused a large number of seedling deaths. Seeds were placed on a filter in a thermostatic chamber (23°C) or in a controlled thermostat on a plastic tray. The temperature change cycle was 2°C for 5 hours per day and 15°C for 12 hours. Each temperature change required 3.5 hours. The filter paper was soaked with a saturated calcium sulfate solution as a control, and a filter paper composed of a saturated calcium sulfate control solution containing a certain amount of test solution was used as a special treatment.

Frostbite may still occur after the sugar beet seedlings are unearthed, so this period of growth has also been studied. Take the sandy loam that filters out nitrates. Place 12 centimeters deep and 13 kilograms of soil on each plate and apply 0.5 grams of phosphorus. Add distilled water or a solution of a certain amount of salt to moisten it. Each dish of 100 sugar beet seeds is placed in an intelligent artificial climate chamber. Three replicates were processed per treatment in order to analyze the results for analysis of variance. Apply water daily to compensate for soil evaporation loss. The intelligent artificial climate chamber light intensity, according to the effective photosynthesis wavelength of 400-700 nanometer range, is 0.58 micro Einstein / meter ". Seconds. When the seedlings grow to the size required by the freezing test, the seedlings are neat and consistent. The temperature of the artificial climate box drops the temperature to a predetermined level.Then, the seedlings are frozen with snow or ice fog as the core.After all the plants are frozen, the minimum temperature is kept for at least 1 hour.The temperature is slowly cooled or heated, and the temperature is stable for two hours. At the end, all require a transition time of several hours.For the seedlings to produce different levels of cold hardiness, sometimes two smart artificial climate chambers are used, but for all given groups of control processes, they all have the same intelligence at the same time. In the artificial climate box, the osmotic potential of the crushed seedlings and the germination solution was measured by a moisture vapor pressure measurement, and the measurement results of the same size seedling sap were repeated within 0.5 bar of the soil.

Experiments with intelligent artificial climate chambers showed that different pots in soil affected the survival of sugar beet seedlings. Long control seedlings on low fertile soils had significantly lower survival rates than their pool treatments. These plants are small, greenish and show nitrogen deficiency. Treatments with high levels of nitrates have poorer survival and are not as good as those grown on potassium nitrate (a nitrogen and potassium control equivalent to 50 kg of nitrogen applied per hectare and applied to a depth of 15 cm).

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